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Advertise in our preshow


Our Preshow Advertisements are a static "billboard-style" ad, played in between movie trivia and policy announcements, and are accompanied by easy-listening background music.


Screen advertisements are booked on a monthly rate (4 weeks), per location. Discounted rates are available for campaign commitments of 6-months and 12-months.

6 Months
St. Paul, AB
Fort Saskatchewan, AB
Cobourg, ON

Advertising campaigns are always booked to begin on a Friday, and end on a Thursday.​ 


Above rates are applicable to slide(s) with maximum of 10-second exposure.​

Extended advertising time (maximum 20-seconds exposure) will be charged a premium to a maximum of 50% of published rates.

Multiple location campaign quotes are available on request.




All advertisement slides that run on our screens must be converted from the supplied JPEG to a DCP (Digital Cinema Package) format to comply with cinema exhibition industry standards.


  • DCP-conversion of static ad (to specs): $35 (includes changes to ads during existing campaigns)​

  • Design and production of slide graphics (1 or 2 slides, with minor variations) from elements provided: $75​

  • Minor adjustments to client-supplied creative to adhere to screen specifications are included; but, major adjustments to client-supplied creative may be subject to the full fee for Design & Production as noted above.​

  • Adding completed advertisements to multiple locations: No extra charge


Above rates and costs are subject to GST (or HST in Ontario).

Invoices are due in full prior to the scheduled starting date of the booked advertising campaign.


All Preshow Advertisements are to be submitted to screen specifications:


  • Size: 1998 x 858 pixels. Landscape.

  • Safe Area: 130 pixels from all screen edges.

  • Colour: RGB. Avoid large areas of bright red or blue to reduce colour bleed. Bright colours and high contrasts will look better than muted colours on screen. Avoid very low contrast such as light grey / white or pastel combinations.

  • Text: Minimum Font Size 16pt. High contrast between text and background is always preferable
    Minimal amount of text is better. Keep in mind that slides will only stay on screen for 10 seconds.
    Convert all text to curves (or rasterize) before sending final artwork to avoid font problems

  • FormatJPEG

  • File Naming: Please name your files descriptively, with the name of your company, campaign, and the date the ad is scheduled to begin (example: Ad_MagicLantern-PreshowAd_OCT112024.jpg).


For questions about design, submitting creative, or sales support, please contact our Advertising Coordinator via phone or email.




306 - 665 - 0552



Please note that all creative is subject to approval by Magic Lantern Theatres Ltd. prior to production.


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